Refuge after Hurricane Idalia

We hope everyone is safe with minimal damage to their property following Hurricane Idalia’s quick pass through Seabrook Island and beyond. This morning we received the below from one of our members!

I had a Protonotary Warbler on my deck. I don’t know if he hit a window, just saw him when I opened the door. I took a few pics and then he flew out over marsh. Guess storm blew him in? So pretty!

Patricia Schaefer
Prothonotary Warbler – Patricia Schaefer

Author: sibirders

SEABROOK ISLAND BIRDERS / “watching, learning, protecting” Seabrook Island Birders (SIB) are residents, renters and guests of Seabrook Island, SC who have an interest in learning, protecting and providing for the well-being of the incredible variety of birds that inhabit Seabrook Island throughout the year.

One thought on “Refuge after Hurricane Idalia”

  1. Something that happens with hurricanes is some birds get trapped (entrained). Often rare or unusual species show up for a day or two. Some serious (not me) birders go out during the hurricane to watch for rarities. Keep you eyes open for things like Magnificent Frigatebirds or other seabirds not normally seen in SC.

    Robert Mercer

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