Join us September 12th for: “Song and the Secret Lives of Sparrows”

Speaker: Melissa Hughes,
Professor of Animal Behavior and Ornithology,
College of Charleston

Date: September 12, 2023, 7:00 pm
Location: Lake House Live Oak Hall
Admission: Free for Members*; $10 for Guests

(*Join SIB : )

  • 7:00 pm Registration & Refreshments
  • 7:30 pm Program
  • 8:45 pm Program ends

Program Description:

Why do birds sing?  How does song help them decide where to live, with whom to mate?  How do individual differences in behavior affect their lives? (What are these “individual differences in behavior” – do birds have “personality”?) By paying close attention to the behavior of individual birds in the soap opera of their lives – what songs they sing, their successes and failures as mates and parents, and how long they live – we can gain a more rich appreciation for the complexity of their lives.   

Speaker Biography:

Melissa Hughes is a graduate of Bucknell and Duke University, and teaches Animal Behavior and Ornithology at the College of Charleston. She studied Song Sparrows in northwestern Pennsylvania for over 10 years, and is still learning from those recordings. She has also studied song in Swamp Sparrows, Seaside Sparrows, Black-capped Chickadees, and Common Nightingales. In addition, she studies communication and aggressive behavior in snapping shrimp.

Be sure to register so you won’t miss this exciting event!
