Join SIB: Sit, Sip and See at Palmetto Lake

Monday, June 24 @ 7:00pm
Location: Picnic Table at the back of Palmetto Lake near the Playground
Max: 20

Cost: Free for members; $10 donation to SIB for guests

  Note: If weather doesn’t cooperate on this evening, we’ll reschedule later in the week so if you are unavailable on Monday, register anyway and put note in comment you wish to be notified if it needs to be rescheduled.  

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Please join Seabrook Island Birders for an evening of birding and socializing with your favorite beverage at Palmetto Lake. During the hot summer months birds are more active in the early morning and early evening. We thought that this would be a great location to gather and sit and let the birds come to us. At this location, near the playground, we can relax and watch the herons and egrets fly into their favorite roosting area (at least in 2023). It is mesmerizing to observe the different groups fly into the lake area and then maneuver into their spot. There are a few places to sit at the picnic table, but you will probably want to bring a chair in order to get the best view. There will be SIB members available to carry your chair to our location. Birds that we should see coming into the rookery are Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, Great Egret, Tricolored Heron, Cattle Egret, and White Ibis. We could additionally hear or see woodpeckers, hawks, and passerines.

This is a BYOB and BYOSnacks event. If you are not an experienced birder, this is the perfect opportunity to get some tips on using binoculars and phone apps, and identifying species and bird calls.

As always bring your binoculars and hats. No sunscreen required at this event, but you might want to bring bug repellent just in case.

Register no later than Saturday, June 22nd . All registrants will receive a confirmation letter on Monday morning, June 24th.