Join SIB: Learning Together at Kiawah River

Sunday, June 9, 2024 8:00am-11:00am
Learning Together at Kiawah River 
Location:  Meet at the “bridge” entering the property

Max: 12 people
Cost None for members; $10 donation for guests

Register Now

Join us for another chance to check out birds that can be found on this varied habitat  property.  We expect to see a large variety of birds including Double-crested Cormorants, Egrets, Herons, Osprey and other birds of prey. If we are lucky, we will see an eagle and osprey duel over a fish. As we enter the property, we hope to catch a glimpse of the resident American Coots and Loggerhead Shrikes.  We should also see and hear some of the smaller birds like Tufted Titmice, Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Cardinals.  We will drive to various locations on the property and then walk for better birding observations.  Of course, this also gives us a chance to see this neighboring development.  High tide is at 11:13am so our chance for shorebirds along the Kiawah River are limited….but we can hope.

As always, be sure to bring your binoculars, hats, water and sunscreen.  

If you are not yet a 2024 SIB member, you must first become a member for only $15 by following the instructions on our website: You may bring the form and your dues to the event. Or you may pay the Guest Fee of $10.  You can also use the link above to renew your membership for 2024.

Please register no later than Friday, June 7, 2024.  All registrants will receive a confirmation letter on the day prior to the event.