Photography and birding: Hunting for Buntings

Male Painted Bunting – Dean Morr

Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 8:00a-10:00a 
Location: Boardwalk 1 and Bobcat Trail
Max:  20    
Cost: None for 2024 members of either Seabrook Island Birders or Seabrook Island Photography Club;
$10 donation for guests

Register Now

Seabrook Island Birders (SIB) and Seabrook Island Photography Club (SIPC) are having an inaugural joint activity with a goal to find and photograph Painted Buntings.  Hopefully the male Painted Bunting that is often seen at the beach end of Boardwalk 1 will cooperate and attend our gathering.  We will also visit Bobcat Trail where this gorgeous species is also frequently seen and heard.  This environment is also home to Eastern Towhees, Northern Cardinals and Brown Thrashers who will hopefully appear for this photo shoot.

As always, be sure to bring your water, binoculars, hats and sunscreen.  And of course, a camera.

If you are not yet a 2024 SIB or SIPC member, you may become a member of one (or both) by following the instructions on our websites:

– Join SIB for only $15 at:  

– Join SIPC for only $30 at:

Or you may pay the Guest Fee of $10 at the time of the activity.

Please register no later than Monday May 20th. All registrants will receive a confirmation letter on Tuesday, May 21st.