SIB Explores: River of Raptors

You’ve read numerous “SIB Travel” blogs about birding trips taken by members. SIB members often hear about bird walks, festivals or tours that may interest others but not an official SIB activity. If you hear of something, let us know by sending the information to You can share, even if you don’t plan to attend. When possible, we’ll create a blog to share the information.

One of nature’s many spectacles is the annual hawk migration. One of the best places in the world to watch hawk migration is in Veracruz Mexico. As the Mexican geography narrow, the birds are pinched between the mountains and the coast. It is not uncommon for 200,000 birds to fly over in a single day. This creates what is referred to as the River of Raptors.

Bob Mercer’s twin brother, John Mercer, went last year on a tour coordinated by Pro Natura, a local to Veracruz company. Here is a copy of a presentation he made to the West Chester Bird Club. Veracruz, The River of Raptors with Hawk Mountain – YouTube

He enjoyed it so much, he set up a trip for this year from October 11 to October 21, 2023, to capture Swainson’s Hawks migration.

Below is the itinerary and the potential cost for the trip depending upon the number of people. He currently has 8 people signed up and would like to get three to five additional participants, if you are interested, please contact John at

10-12 people Single: $2900, Double $2700
8-9 people: Single 3500 Double $3300
6-7 people: Single $4700 Double $4400

The fees cover lodging, food, and ground transportation. It does not include tips, alcohol, or airline transportation.

Itinerary for the trip

October 11
Travel Day and arrival to Veracruz
Meet Pronatura guides at Veracruz City Airport to travel by van to a hotel for an overnight along the Gulf of Mexico at Hotel Mocambo.

October 12
Hotel Bienvenido, Cardel
Early morning bird walk at hotel’s gardens and at the beach, first movement of migrants will be seen, then transfer to Cardel for first hawk watching experience, visit the two hawk watching sites of Veracruz to enjoy the Swainson’s Hawk migration.

October 13
Hotel Bienvenido, Cardel.
Birding at Juan Angel beach, looking for shorebirds and other local species such Aplomado Falcon, Magnificent Frigatebird and Mexican Sheartail, later return to the hawk watches to enjoy the migration.

Magnificent Frigatebird

October 14
Hotel Bienvenido, Cardel.
Birding at Villa Rica Lagoon and the Quiahuixtlan ruins, an ancient cemetery and overlook to the Gulf of Mexico. Return to Cardel to rest or Hawk watching at the lookouts.

October 15
Hotel Paso de La Niebla, Perote.
Birding at Macuiltepetl park in Xalapa, place to enjoy some Mexican endemics such Blue Mockingbird, Bearded Wood-partridge and Blue-capped Motmot and colorful birds such Green jays, Elegant Euphonia and some migratory warblers. Later we will visit the Museum of Anthropology of Xalapa, 2nd best museum of the Country and travel to the Highlands of Perote.

Montezuma Oropendola

October 16
Hotel Paso de La Niebla, Perote
Depending on weather we will enjoy the pine forest looking for the gem Red Warbler and Collared Towhee both endemics of Mexico, in company with Golden-browed Warbler, Crescent-chested Warbler. Later we will explore de desert area in search of Lucifer Hummingbird, Mexican Violetear, the endemic Striped Sparrow and other gems.

October 17
Hotel Puente Nacional
Leaving to lower elevation forest of Las Vigas, searching for great views of the Brown-backed solitaire, one of the best songs of the cloud forest, Mountain Trogon, Tufted Flycatcher, Olivaceus Woodcreeper, Black-headed Nightingale Thrush and Rufous-capped Brushfinch rest at Hotel Puente Nacional (Hawk watching optional).

October 18
Hotel Puente Nacional
Visit to El Mirador, this is a private conservation Coffee orchard, run by the owners, you will learn about the importance of a diversified shade for the well of Birds accompanied with the owners to share the beauty of their land.

October 19
Hotel in Boca del río
Walk at Paso Mariano river and stop to Chichicaxtle for last migration day, we will be looking this morning for Yellow Headed Parrot, Lineated Woodpecker, Canivet’s Emerald, and the movements of visiting warblers along the river and raptors at the observatory. In the afternoon we will have a boat trip on la Antigua river and will get to Boca del Rio for rest.

Green-breasted Mango

October 20
Hotel in Boca del Río
Visiting Las Barrancas, a grassland and wetlands located south of Veracruz, looking for Double-striped Thick-knee, Yellow bellied Elaenia, Forked-tailed Flycatcher, Tropical Mockingbird, Green-breasted Mango, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Herons and more.

October 21
Departure to home
Pronatura will make sure everyone gets to the Veracruz International airport on time.

Seabrook Island Birders does not sponsor or take responsibility for this or
any trips other than those as official activities of SIB. This is provided for your consideration.

Submitted by: Bob Mercer

Author: sibirders

SEABROOK ISLAND BIRDERS / “watching, learning, protecting” Seabrook Island Birders (SIB) are residents, renters and guests of Seabrook Island, SC who have an interest in learning, protecting and providing for the well-being of the incredible variety of birds that inhabit Seabrook Island throughout the year.

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